Inspiration is such a mysterious person. I have been searching to meet her for quite a while now. How I just wished to gaze and drown in her deep dark eyes. She remains so anonymous; yet once she is with you, you just cannot miss her. The ways in which she works, are beyond my comprehension. I have come to believe that without her, life’s definition would smudge. It has been a long day today. And yes, Valentine’s Day. I must say, It was just another day to me. But the dying hours of this much celebrated dusk gave me a rare spectacle to feast upon. I felt rejuvenated, and was instantly drawn to write about it.
After relishing a steaming dinner, I found myself strolling back to my den with a myriad of thoughts coursing my mind. I have always believed that finding yourself alone in the night, out in the open will lead you to the deepest of thoughts buried inside of you. With my hands deep inside my pockets, I was making a journey, one step at a time. It had been ages since the last time I had seen her. There was a clear starry sky, and a cool breeze to appreciate. The street lamps managed to send in just the adequate amount of aura through the trees to help my eyes discover. I stood still for a moment and closed my eyes to sink into the laps of tranquility. I wished for the same peace to grace everyone in the world, it would be such a better place.
Night has a great quality of adding a new dimension to everything we know. Strolling on that path, I began to take note of things that were missing. So many things that I usually take for granted during the day, were coming alive in front of me from the darkness. Like phantoms, they took birth and glided by my side. In the empty parking lots, I saw many a friends huddled together in mute but animated conversation. The gardens gave life to the phantoms of the gardeners, who in turn were returning the favor to the gardens. The road had a carpet of dried leaves and fallen fruit covering it. Though my eyes were kept busy in their endless quest, my ears spoke to my mind, just of the chorus of the breeze and the leaves rustling overhead. Every step I took forward, made the earth speak. It felt like a private conversation between the earth and my feet that I could not comprehend. The leaf litter made sure that they made themselves well heard. The canopies looked all the same, the uniform dark shade of gray. It was hard to believe that hundreds of avian souls made peace above me, for all their chatter gave birth to the sweetest of melodies.
As I went further, I happened to look above. And then I noticed a tree. Keeping to autumn, the tree had shed all its leaves, and bared itself for the world to see. The tree was a magnificent creation. Its slender twigs and branches were all randomly scattered with chaotic precision, yet in the most beautiful manner, they were in balanced harmony with my eyes, my mind, and my soul. As I proceeded forward, still marveling at the sight, a concoction of elements engulfed me. The dull street lamps, the moonlit clouds which were vaguely visible from behind the cacophony of twigs and branches of the tree, the breeze which floated my spirits, and finally my movement forward. My eyes were fixed on the manifestation, and as I walked forward, everything around the tree was set in motion. I was made to believe that only the tree remained still while the whole world swirled around it. All of eternal existence danced around this supreme structure of tranquility. And there, right in those few seconds of revelation, I was inspired. The mosaic of a structure placed in a twirling background played a beautiful trick on my eyes. The multitude of twigs and branches slowly but gracefully transformed into the flowing hair of a woman. And with every step forward, they rippled like the waves of the ocean. Yes, she had found me.
In those few seconds, when my senses were bashed numb, my mind realized some truth. The moment I envisaged her flowing hair, I leapt to a place unknown. I still cannot express fully that feeling; it was a sudden moment of realization and a suppression of all emotions. Just as quickly as she appeared, she was gone the next moment. And I found myself back on the same path heading to my den. It was a beautiful experience.
I realized one thing today. No matter how hard I try to find inspiration, it is just not in my capacity. I have also changed a major belief today, never go looking for her, she will find you. And in those few moments that she graces you with her presence, she will cast a spell on your mind, and leave a lasting memory. Yes my friend, she will find you.