The day was like any other sunday. Just that... many palm trees would have suffered.
I didn know anything about palm sunday till my roomy brought back from church some weird looking ties made of palm leaves. and in case any of my beloved readers are still wondering what palm sunday is all about, just look it up in wikipedia!
My roomy brought three to four of those palm leaf thingees, one for each of us in the gang. Ulti boy came hopping along into the room as usual. And with his usual inquisitiveness, questioned about the new additions to the room. BIG MISTAKE..!! Being the usual self that i am... i put up the straightest of faces possible and told him convincingly that they were meant to be eaten...! And my roomy... being the usual trusted roomy that he has been all this while.. played along. The last thing that we expected was for ulti boy to buy the package, but then, impossible is nothing, to quote a major sports goods manufacturer.
Ulti boy managed to squeeze out a "really..? " in a trusting tone. We just nodded, with the hopes of a highly successful rip off brewing in our minds simultaneously...! Ulti boy did have his doubts though. Although he had a very high susceptibility rate to getting busted, come on, he does have a brain..! He didn totally buy it as soon as we said it. And to make sure he doesn become suspicious, we didn push for it either. The entire day.. ever few hours or so, we'd just remind him to have his leaf, again, with the straightest of faces. It was so meticulous..! And every time...after making sure he is not in the room, us roomys exchanged malicious grins..!!
And so the day proceeded, with high anticipation among us mortals. And finally, the time to hit he sack had arrived. Ulti boy brushed his teeth, with the usual fervor. All of a sudden, he rolled into the room, holding the potent palm leaf in his hands.
The stage was set, to the right... he had my roomy clicking away on his lappy... to his left he had the good ol me... dwelling on another lappy. Then, the golden words came pouring out of his mouth, controlled by his weak sleepy brain... "Hey dude... How do I eat this..? " . The scene to his left presented the devil staring into an imaginary point...suppressing bursts of laughter with herculean strength and biting his lips. To his right, my roomy, summoned all his strength, stifled an explosion of a laughter, and managed to squeeze out.." Just take a bite out of it dude.." . And the moment of truth presented itself.
All i heard was the crunch of a coconut leaf. The same crunch, that ulti boy had felt in his blessed mouth. The next thing ulti saw was us roomys rolling on the bed with laughter.. And laughter would be an understatement..! I, for that matter... had laughed with that much vigor after like ages..! That expression on his face, of being royally jacked, was priceless..! i Laughed soo bad... i had to stop cause of chest and stomach pain... and i could not see anything cause of the tears of laughter pouring out of my eyes...
After laughing like for about ten full minutes, we regained our was a day to remember. We managed to get onto our feet and go to ulti's room, just to make sure he didn commit suicide. We just said... "Dude... u simply rock... only u are capable of doing this..." and we were right...
Thats palm sunday for you....praise the lord...!