Guardian Angel...
This happened quite some time ago, but yet, it has left a very big impact on me. It feels like I saw those bright gleaming faces just yesterday! I’m an atheist... and by a thumb rule don’t believe in anything I can’t see. So guardian angels are not an exception. But that day, I was made to think otherwise.
It was just another long and draining day at college. Things look really grim at the end of such days; the heat just sucks out all the energy in you. All I wanted then was to troop back to my room and just die on my bed... well to be resurrected later for dinner that is...! But then I met up with Harsha and our very own VJ (aka rekha sometimes)... they informed me that in the evening, a visit to the orphanage opposite college was planned... Now that was an interesting turn of events that shook me out of my virtual slumber. I had never been to an orphanage before, nor had I pictured them. My parents had been to them a couple of times before, and every time, mum used to come back and get very emotional. So nothing actually pointed to a jovial picture all the while. Anyway, I was soon to find out.
Well there’s no point trying to avoid things that are right before you. I have been avoiding orphanages all this while, either by choice or indirectly... and yes, there’s always a first time for everything. So I did decided to accompany them, to see for myself, that which I had never beheld. It was time and we met up with a few other people, I was surprised to find Velu among them. Niki and Smitha had also come along. We passed through two big gates, at the second one we were greeted by a security guard, who was at a pretty ripe age for the job. As we enter, with a flurry of expectations running through my mind, a very energetic picture explodes into my eyes. We had entered the play area of the complex, and there were kids all over the place...! The orphanage is situated over and behind a juice shop called East-West, it’s the one place where all things that should not happen in college campus, happen… take smoking for beginners. Anyway, I have been to that place quite a few times, strictly for juice and kulfi sticks..! But never had I given a thought about the dwelling upstairs. I was amazed at how the choked traffic had muffled all the chirping voices from up here.
A few of us had been there for the first time. Harsha and Velu had been there like many times before. The moment the kids saw us, many of them rushed towards us, with broad smiles and lit faces…! I was taken aback by the nice welcome we received, for I had not expected any… It was a very special welcome I must say, for I had never felt that way before. I felt relieved that my first glimpses of an orphanage were one of energy and joy, and not otherwise, as I had dreaded.
The kids were really young, all aged between 5 and 8 probably. They looked like the little bubbles in a cola, very effervescent and always brimming with energy. They easily recognized the ones from out set whom they had seen before and flocked around them. A couple of kids came near me and hugged my legs… I felt like I was with my cousins….! The moment they touched me, something changed. I was no longer an outsider. I was in love with the kids. It’s no national secret that, as much as I categorically detest all that kids do, I just love them..! I just squatted on the ground to make myself more accessible to them; it was a wonderful feeling to interact with those children. Not only were they energetic, they were very smart too…! They just came up to us and started chattering away with their childish wit. Within no time there were just too many faces around us to concentrate on and respond to…! They could look at our watches and tell the time. And even keeping up with technology, they asked us to shine the lights in out watches…! One thing that really surprised me was when they started feeling our pant pockets for cell phones and then asked us to take their pictures with the cameras on it…! They were so amazed when VJ showed them their pictures on her phone, I was just plain laughing at her loss of control over the situation….hehe..! I wonder what these kids would have to say about the ban on usage of cell phones in our college..! We even poked fun at Smitha for not knowing kannada…! These children did get an education and had a special school attached to the centre.
Through all the awe, I did manage to speak with the kids, asked them stuff which I would consider silly, if I think about them now. They started reciting rhymes and songs for us. And then it was snacks time. Someone brought in a bag full of sweetened wafers for the children. The next thing you now, the children are all around us offering a share of their sweet goodies..! We just could not accept it… it was solely meant for them. I had to open a few of the wrappers for them because their little fingers were too supple for the tough plastic. Through all the amazement, realization finally settled in. The children also told an untold story, their very existence there had a grim story behind it. Beyond their broad smiles and sweet voices, their eyes had a different story to tell. You could clearly see the longing in them. There were signs every where, all the kids had the same hair cut, as short as possible, well for the practical cause of managing them easily. Their entire life had been built upon charity.
These children had for all the unfortunate reasons, become a burden. Their existence was shunned at one point. It’s their luck which had shown them the way to this place, there are scores of others who are not as fortunate. Those who don’t make it to safe houses as these live horrid lives, abused, uncared for, and left to fend for themselves. These children reminded me of the fragile saplings found on the forest floor… Born of giant trees, but not cared for. They are open to danger in so many forms and insecurity rules their existence. Only luck will see them soar and grace the canopy to kiss the skies…
These children need a guardian angel looking over their shoulders, for it is this angel, who will guide the saplings to sunshine… through all the rough times. I still say that I am an atheist… but I did see the guardian angels that day, the caretakers, who had dedicated their lives to running that sanctuary. They are the true spirits, not the lifeless pieces of idols that people blindly submit themselves unto. These angels are special, they don’t just appear in the scriptures, but rather exist among us, doing good deeds and really making a difference. I salute thou…
By now it was late in the evening, it was almost time for the kids to go indoors and commit themselves to the evening prayers. It was pretty cloudy then. The children started trooping back inside the main building, and it was time for us to bid adieu…One of the boys standing near me looked at the skies and said to me, “It looks like its going to rain, may be you should get back to your home quickly before you get wet…”, and then he disappeared into the dark hallway leading to the inside. Those words were ringing in my ears and I kept looking in his direction… He mentioned home, what an irony…. What an irony indeed…