Broken Mirrors Can Be Fixed...
Everybody yearns for that little skip of a heart beat...that instantaneous sensation of breathlessness, that one real moment when you are swept off your's so sweet, you could put it as sweet pain if you like to! No, im not talking about someone scaring the crap out of you, but this sensation is a very special one. Is it by nature.. or is it just infatuation? I Wonder... I believe its one of the most influential emotion in every guys life...
You are dissolved in a mystic world of day dreaming, and then suddenly u see her in your mind's eye...For one frivolous moment life comes to a stand still. There you are, seemingly doing absolutely nothing, but then inside, you are drowning, drowning in her eyes...! Aah... life is good! And then after a few moments of rarefied suffocating joy, you step out of it all...back to where you are supposed to be. And then with a deep sigh, you move on. What is it about her that makes me dizzy...? The very thought of her puts a whirlwind into my heart...Will I every be able to discover...? Hmm... thats a tough one..! I suppose I would run short of words in this effort... But Im sure its not just me...
The mind is such an unfair mechanism...! It gives you the sweetest of pleasures in such little instalments that you never stop yearning for's an eternal quest...
Years have passed now... life has kept me busier than ever. It feels strange now that I had been through all this...but no, im not ashamed. Im glad I see more meaning to things now, more vibrance in all the images life has to offer, more sonata in all the voices that I hear. But I have nothing to hide, I still cherish that little skip of my heart which takes me to another world, even after everything that happened, those which shouldnt have.
Theres one thing that all life always seeks, and thats companionship. The quest for the perfect companion can even sometimes take a lifetime. What amazes me is the amount of learning we get to do in this quest. The past few weeks have been really traumatic for a few friends of mine.. whom i would not like to name. Its all about relationships. How they keep them, and how they lose them. It all just goes on to prove that even the sweetest of things life has to offer, has the most bitter seeds impregnated in them. Everything boils down to us, our efforts and how we handle situations. It is customary here for the older generation to warn us of our age. They iterate that we are vulnerable at this age, and that a life can be either made or destroyed very effortlessly. But then, it is also customary here for the more snazzy and hip younger generation to brush aside these seemingly ridiculous cautions, and to move on with our lives. Why cant we cash in on their wisdom..? What if they are right...? I guess its our age indeed, we are too stubborn to accept matters we are not comfortable with... Well I say it again, its a learning process.
What do we seek in a companion...? Its the basic few magical quantities... Compassion, Love, Friendship, and all the other mushy stuff you can think of. But then hold on... any living body is capable of sharing these magic potions, cause its hidden inside all of us. Its only a matter of effort in bringing out these qualities. But then hold on again... its not only about the effort, its about the zing, which sets your pulse racing, and your heart skipping..! Yes friends, its a very strange medley indeed...! But then, it happens to all of us, and has been happening so for almost an eternity. Where has all the wisdom been archived then...? If humans were to boast about their efficiency, then by now, all relationships would have been unbreakable...
Alas...! The phrase..." im only human" doesn't come without meaning. In fact its the problem and even the solution in itself...Our minds are the strongest as well as the weakest parts of our existence. And when a turmoil as this hits it, trippings do tend to happen. All things are going fine for a while and then misgivings begin to crop up...and before you know it, happy teenage companions are seen parting ways, with a heavy heart and days of remorse to follow... But why...? When they first fell in each others arms, did they just make a proposal for a few months of glory..? It would be very depressing if it were that way...Finding the right companion is one of the most important stepping stones of life, and short lived glory finds no place in this quest...
The way I see it, a relationship is a complex game of sacrifice and co-operation, the rules of which you will learn with experience. It takes two hands to make some noise, and there is no exception to this. Every aspect of a relationship is guided by the involvement of both the persons involved. To put it straight, I definitely dont endorse blame games. Because I know and I am sure that every person has a hidden strength and aura, its called will power. However bad be the reality at ground zero, our deliberation has to be strong enough to fish us out of the eye of the hurricane. This magic potion can work magic in innumerable ways, and history has no dearth of examples to help me present my case. Our fast paced lives have such a big impact all the facets we go through. It has even become possible for a dismayed scream of agony to be presented with a blank and emotionless face these days.
Where is the communication? Is it not possible to make someone understand your emotions or feelings...? Why dont people just try...? I strongly ridicule their impatience. A hasty approach in matters as these will only be greeted with barren and cold loneliness. Only perseverance and patience will take you to the gates of Eden. I also believe that teenage relationships are the ones that prepare you for the big one later in life. Some people are lucky enough to cherish their first heart throbs as their soul mates, but most are not. And I dont expect all of them to be perfect too. As I have mentioned before, its all the knowledge that you gain that matters. I only wish my friends dont sensitise issues that they share with their loved ones, cause it is just too early in life to put an end to things. Theres a lot more to be seen and learnt, which you may have never even thought of. Life is short my friends, I see absolutely no point in wasting your energy on bouts of remorse or depression.
I may not be the ultimate authority on guidance in matters such as these, buy my friends, I do understand, and I do want to help. Please take it easy... I may also not be qualified in saying all this, but I feel every broken mirror can be fixed. You should not allow an image of yourself to be shattered, its like letting yourself down. Kindly put the pieces together my friends, and I assure you, if you really are true to your companion, then the skip of your heartbeat, that you so rejoice, will pump a new and vibrant life into the image that you behold in it... I only wish for all my friends to cherish their heart throbs, until the last beat, and beyond...

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