Hello mate… ever wondered what all that hoopla happening in campus was about? A small bunch of people chanting our good old college name near katté in high spirits, then just dissolving only to regroup chattering away just an hour later…! And yes, no one could have missed the Bulls are Back calls. My inside sources told me that it was audible even in the hostel buildings…! Even if you missed all this, you could not have missed the same bunch of people moving around campus in groups to every department parading a pretty large trophy. And if you missed all this, then you definitely were not in campus on that day, and yes, this is worth knowing about…let me start off then.
Friends, Romans, Countrymen… oops…Friends, Indians… and my fellow Bulls… lend me your ears…! For those not in the know of the recent commotion in college, I bring great news. It is with great pride that I bring to you this news of a magnificent victory, one filled with every emotion that you can possibly think of. The trophy that I had mentioned about previously was from the VTU Fest, held at SIT-Tumkur, from 25th to 28th of September. And since it was the largest trophy of the entire fest, I need not mention what it was for need I? 60 odd colleges, 4000 thousand strong crowd, and one mega… MEGA…youth festival. Every time I catch a good memory of it, I relive the moment, and when I relive the moment, it’s like the feeling of dissolving into a rock concert crowd...!
For the team that represented college, the trailblazers, the fest did not start on the 25th; in fact it started almost a month earlier. The backbreaking training that the various teams went through was for one and one reason only… to reach glory, and beyond. And that my friend we did, in style. In my honest opinion, it would take me four full days to paint a picture of those four days in Tumkur. But, since this article cannot go on forever, I might miss a few details. Pardon me team, if I miss anything that you think I should not have. From night outs in our college to night outs in SIT, it’s been like a “been there done it all…” experience… if you know what I mean! If you guys can remember, like for a week before the actual VTU Fest, the MPH always had some activity or that other happening every afternoon. Well those my friends were the humble beginnings of a gigantic tide.
Well the fest was about cultural events. Music, dance, theatre, literary and fine arts, these were the categories the events were sorted out into. And for four full days and nights, the whole campus was one buzzy place. For each individual event, a team of bulls toiled to perfection. Then again, I should remind you, the fest was not just about winning. It was a little bit of everything, and a whole lot of fun. And especially with the whole bunch of guys sleeping on campus in class rooms, you can only just imagine the possibilities. Having past scores to settle with other colleges, practice for the events, helping out other teams with preparations, running around cheering for our performing teams, keeping track of slots allotted to us, following the points board, and with our horns locked onto the prime targets, the four days were a blaze.
The fest started off really slow on day one. And after the score sheets were displayed at the end of day one, the energy was low in the team. One special feature that I noticed about this fest team was that it had been through all the emotions by the time the big baby was in our hands. But through thick and thin, the team held through, and by the end of the fourth day, no other team was as strongly bonded as ours. But that was just the first day; the remaining three were such a stark contrast to it. “The team will synergize once we start winning...” I got that from one of us on the team. And man, he got that bang on. Because from the second day on, there was no looking back for the team, we just sailed through to the finish line. I must also let you guys know that the BMS bunch in that college this time around was a fairly small one. But heck, we are the bulls. And in royal style, every where we went, people recognized us. Even if it were just three or four of us, as against the norm of the entire team from college, people would turn around to recognize us. That’s something to remember. And need I say that we were undisputedly the noisiest and most enthusiastic crowd there..? Every time a result was announced, and we ended up getting into the top three, you could always find out where the rest of the team is by trusting your ears!
It was not all a smooth sail either, there were moments where people lost it completely due to debatable evaluation and when hopes came crashing down. Then again, the team stuck together and held each other up gracefully. Ultimately, it was the experience of being there and giving it your all that really mattered. We were there to prove ourselves first, to make sure that our vision materialized. Once we achieved that, we could just laugh away these minor annoyances. More over, once we saw our college right on top on the leader board, energetic chants and slogans followed. All the lung power put together created a cascade of overwhelming noise, which washed away all that was not needed from our minds.
This time the team had come prepared. We had a really efficient student event documentation expert amongst us. You could also call him a photographer! One could always find him running around gathering images with many gadgets in his backpack. He claimed that his backpack was the most expensive one of the whole troop, and for the right reasons..! His prime motive was to freeze those moments in time which we will cherish forever. From the winding bus journeys to all the happier moments on campus, he has them all… in his backpack!
The final orientation program on the last evening was moment to remember. The entire team came down from the holding quarters like a snake, quite literally. We snaked our way down two floors one behind the other to catch everyone by surprise. Then we entered the auditorium to attend the prize distribution ceremony. Those moments were the pinnacle of all our efforts, for in those moments, we struck pay dirt. All of us went ballistic as and when the individual event prizes were given away. And for the big daddy trophy, the entire team found itself perched up on the stage standing shoulder to shoulder, then letting every single soul present there know just one thing… Bulls are Back… Bulls are Back…
Later we found our team and MSRIT team cheering and dancing together. This was exactly what the fest was about, cut throat competition, but super glue unity…
It was now time for the total chill out back in the holding quarters. The music team did its magic again by playing dandy beats to which all our souls danced. Later after that having done, along with the numerous photos of the smothered trophy, we packed and loaded the bus for the journey back home. It was a very memorable outing, especially for the outgoing batch. I saw many eyes drowning in tears of joy, and many that spoke a thousand tales. Many were lost in reflection, in worlds filled with memories. Memories which inspire, memories which bring back to you all the good old times…as for me, I was cherishing every single moment there, cause I knew for sure that those few days of my life will stay with me for a long long time to come.
Many souls, Many dreams, One college, One aim, One life…
The gold is back home where it belongs…
PS: There are a lot of funky details and incidents that I have deliberately left out from this article, cause it would not sound ethical to mention them on mass media… my invitation would be for you people to get inquisitive and mingle with the fest teams… and trust me.. they will have motherloads to tell..!
brilliant! i jus relived every moment of those five days..do come up with the missing details in another article ;o) looking forward to that!
ah hope so...fingers crossed...
been a while now, mind is wandering off to other articles..!
glad u commented, thnx..!
ah hope so...fingers crossed...
been a while now, mind is wandering off to other articles..!
glad u commented, thnx..!
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