And it all Came Down Pouring....
And after the final bell, it was over, yes the war was over, very funny I'm blowing it out of proportions this way because we have six such wars each year and have to put up with them for four years...! But heck I'm light headed right now..! I reached the lunch table... there was nothing great there in store for me, just the delight that internals were over. Lunch went and the evening came swiftly... Its winter and darkness engulfed my surroundings like a fog does to a lighthouse. I found myself on the drive way to the hostel building, there was very cold wind blowing across it... all of a sudden I felt very lonely, the atmosphere around me was tweaking my senses to feel really crazily. I should have gone to sleep right then... but did I..? Naaa... Its time to freak out, even if in a mild fashion, who wants to sleep now...??? So I marched to the internet center, updated myself thoroughly o saturation point about everything that I had missed in the past week because of war. And guess what, the new iPod shuffle totally rocks, and the intel quad core processors are white hot stuff....
Evening brought rain along with it for company as if to show that even it was celebrating... Man did it rain like crazy today..! I was watching the streets below from the fifth floor window...
It was very beautiful... Though the window presented to me a view comprising of a muck filled deserted road, badly illuminated, and totally getting drenched... I still felt that it was beautiful...
The rain was amazing to watch... The night's darkness made the droplets of water almost invisible, the neon lamps and the stray vehicle headlamps were trying their best to expose these tiny space invaders, but in vain... The only major proof of rain was the reflections on the road's surface and the ripples on the numerous puddles that I saw... It was splendid... The road that I was admiring is usually choked with traffic and a disgustingly noisy piece of existence... But then all that had changed because of a heavenly intervention called rain...
So many people invariably had to take a time out and seek refuge in nearby shops from the rain... I felt like nature was saying something to us... You people... busy all the time, relax, live life a little...take a break... That reminds me of a poem of a poem "No time to stand and stare" which I read very loong ago.... though there was the continuous pitter patter of the droplets, I felt like I was being engulfed by a deafening silence... strange... Was it for real or was it just that I was severly in need of some sleep,like I am now, I'm really not sure... But all I can say is, all the tension that the internals had built up inside me had been washed away in this one evening, by something so simple yet so magnificent as the rain... Dinner was destined to Kamat Hotel near by as the mess is off on Saturday evenings... Man I hate getting my feet wet on the roads...!
After dinner I found myself sneaking back into the internet lab, and I am still stuck to the seat, its been almost four hours now...! and I'm still not done...! Well I came here to catch up with some friends and well I did happen to do just that... Plus I successfully got working torrents for some movies and games that I've been wanting for a long time... And there I was chatting with my friend, I still feel a little guilty because she felt that I was trying to avoid the chat conversation...! Well actually I was hunting for those really rare torrents in the background so couldn't ensure undivided attention to the conversation.. neways I apologized, hope that it was accepted... and the final incident of the day was yet to unfold...
As we were chatting... she asked me to read a testimonial she had received from a very close friend of her's. They had last seen almost a decade ago...almost, but then happened to find each other on orkut, the sweetest internet invention..! The testi was really sweet indeed, almost everything that I had thought of was in it... but then that was not what struck me. It was the point of from who to whom that struck me... My day began with a really sweet dream, mind you I'm still not able to decipher it, I doubt I ever will... And almost at the end of the day, here I was staring at the monitor reading something, and really feeling good about it. All I remembered of the dream was that I had met someone after a very loong time... and then late in the night, I see a proof of friendship on orkut, between two friends who incidentally happened to meet on orkut after a seriously long gap... Was my mind playing tricks on me or is it that I just need to go to bed at this moment...right away... very interesting.
This was definitely not the topic that I had hoped for this post...but heck the inspiration to write doesn't come very often, so why not make good use of it while I can..? All the while I've been portraying a jubilious mood that the internals were over, well now that I am totally drained and shaken thoroughly back to reality... I think I should definitely say what my mind is saying now... In about a months time, the next war is going to begin, and this is going to be a big one, more like a do or die situation... I will have to survive at any cost... This whole past week has been very active for me, not necessarily positive... but yeah, I lived it... What's in store for me tomorrow I can never say, but today, whatever happened to me, you know by now....
I really shouldn't be sitting here right now and punching keys after key, getting more and more erroneous by the passing minute... All I need for now is a warm and cozy bed, a king's breakfast awaits me tomorrow morning... I'm hopeful to live the sweet dream again, even though by destiny, I might not be able to know what they are....
So there you go.... that's all for today folks.. that's me signing off... Adios.....

Aahh... Internals are finally over. Such a torment it was...! Come to think about it, its for our own good, but heck I still hate them...! I'm actually feeling very light headed right now, did'nt get to sleep that well for the past four or five days... Probably that's why I decided to write post now..!
I'm sooo drowsy right now that if I kept my eyes closed for a few minutes, I would be drooling all over this place...! Neways, enough of self sympathy... The point is internals are over, I just felt like vacations just began this evening, only for a while, then immediately after, I realized that college was to open on monday as usual, and that too next week is very important, loads of labs and all...! Plus I have got to complete tones of practical record work... the list goes on...
But I was very impressed this evening by the list of events that occurred... all through the day that is... Firstly, my day began like at 5 in the morning, after some 3 hours of much needed rest. But then I couldn't do it, I just closed my eyes for a second and time had cheated me yet again...! But in that gap, during that beautiful, sweet power nap, I had some spectacular dreams... Its a pity that people don't remember most of the things that they dream about after they wake up from their sleep, I'm no special case, but I'm pretty sure the dreams were spectacular. I'm sure because something inside me is still telling me it was, without actually showing me the big picture... sooo not fair...! All I can remember is that I met a lot of people whom I had not seen for a looong time... Now how can that be spectacular...? I still don't know... yet I'm dead sure it was, somehow...
Dreams aside, I didn't actually want to get up for the test at hand, I was so wasted by the time I got up. Everything ahead looked so dismal and out of range by the time I had woken up again.. partly because my glasses were off too.. But yet, I felt like I deserved more of that sweet and juicy sleep... Oh its soo precious! I could still feel my heart beating chirpily after that dream, even as my mind was clearing out the surreal world and pushing me towards reality. Man after my mind made sure that, it was time to give up that dream... I felt like I just lost something very important...! There I was sitting on my bed wrapped in the still cozy blanket, and giving a cynical smile at my friend Nikhil, who made sure that I got up.
Well after I was through with that episode... next came breakfast... which proved to be the dictionary meaning of disaster... it had everything I hated. I had no option but to skip it, for good. I reached the exam hall, meticulously planned where to position myself and all, so that collective knowledge is put to the best possible use. It actually paid off. All went well for the first paper. Walking back to my room, I was pondering about the highlight of the day.. the upcoming paper before lunch.. it is simply termed "Signals and Systems"... all I know is that while studying it, it systematically turns out all your brain signals...! Its the one paper the whole hostel was up all night toiling for. I didn't exactly do the toiling part even though I was up all night...! Incidentally I was on a computer looking for some movies... Man I was screwed already...!
All my hopes were pinned upon Nikhil, the one dude who saved my boat from sinking in four of the 5 papers that I wrote. It was the last paper. I had done it already four times before, how tough could it get... I was soon going to find out...! Once time had decided that the second paper for the day was to arrive on my desk, all hell broke loose. There was some mixup and all the meticulous planning about seating went up in smoke in a matter of seconds. After the dust settled, I found Nikhil and myself in the opposite corners of the room. Man did I curse myself good at that moment for not studying the previous night...! Well... so it was to be. All I could do was to make the best use of my resources, ie. the immediate makeshift partner I had for the test...God had decided to call him Srinivas.
The test didn't turn out to be a totally devastating blow to my already ravaged average from my previous test. There was a little sunshine today afterall...! I was really freaking out during the paper, and Srini has to ask me answers in the middle. I had already made it clear to him that I had not prepared for a single word, but alas, I wasn't in the state of mind to comprehend his hushed words neither was he... we happened to be sailing on the same boat... I really shouldn't have been on the computer the previous night...! As the self inflicted torment was drawing to a close an hour and a half later... the stage was all set for grand finale...! Very unexpected one at that...! The hall where I was seated contained all the folk who specialized in a combined knowledge database rather than an individualistic approach... So eventually something was bound to happen... What happened was this, two of my comrades had fallen, their answer scripts were confiscated and they were shown the exit in the most dignified fashion. Well we did lose this one battle, but we did with out our heads held high, cause overall we had won the war...
I'm sooo drowsy right now that if I kept my eyes closed for a few minutes, I would be drooling all over this place...! Neways, enough of self sympathy... The point is internals are over, I just felt like vacations just began this evening, only for a while, then immediately after, I realized that college was to open on monday as usual, and that too next week is very important, loads of labs and all...! Plus I have got to complete tones of practical record work... the list goes on...
But I was very impressed this evening by the list of events that occurred... all through the day that is... Firstly, my day began like at 5 in the morning, after some 3 hours of much needed rest. But then I couldn't do it, I just closed my eyes for a second and time had cheated me yet again...! But in that gap, during that beautiful, sweet power nap, I had some spectacular dreams... Its a pity that people don't remember most of the things that they dream about after they wake up from their sleep, I'm no special case, but I'm pretty sure the dreams were spectacular. I'm sure because something inside me is still telling me it was, without actually showing me the big picture... sooo not fair...! All I can remember is that I met a lot of people whom I had not seen for a looong time... Now how can that be spectacular...? I still don't know... yet I'm dead sure it was, somehow...
Dreams aside, I didn't actually want to get up for the test at hand, I was so wasted by the time I got up. Everything ahead looked so dismal and out of range by the time I had woken up again.. partly because my glasses were off too.. But yet, I felt like I deserved more of that sweet and juicy sleep... Oh its soo precious! I could still feel my heart beating chirpily after that dream, even as my mind was clearing out the surreal world and pushing me towards reality. Man after my mind made sure that, it was time to give up that dream... I felt like I just lost something very important...! There I was sitting on my bed wrapped in the still cozy blanket, and giving a cynical smile at my friend Nikhil, who made sure that I got up.
Well after I was through with that episode... next came breakfast... which proved to be the dictionary meaning of disaster... it had everything I hated. I had no option but to skip it, for good. I reached the exam hall, meticulously planned where to position myself and all, so that collective knowledge is put to the best possible use. It actually paid off. All went well for the first paper. Walking back to my room, I was pondering about the highlight of the day.. the upcoming paper before lunch.. it is simply termed "Signals and Systems"... all I know is that while studying it, it systematically turns out all your brain signals...! Its the one paper the whole hostel was up all night toiling for. I didn't exactly do the toiling part even though I was up all night...! Incidentally I was on a computer looking for some movies... Man I was screwed already...!
All my hopes were pinned upon Nikhil, the one dude who saved my boat from sinking in four of the 5 papers that I wrote. It was the last paper. I had done it already four times before, how tough could it get... I was soon going to find out...! Once time had decided that the second paper for the day was to arrive on my desk, all hell broke loose. There was some mixup and all the meticulous planning about seating went up in smoke in a matter of seconds. After the dust settled, I found Nikhil and myself in the opposite corners of the room. Man did I curse myself good at that moment for not studying the previous night...! Well... so it was to be. All I could do was to make the best use of my resources, ie. the immediate makeshift partner I had for the test...God had decided to call him Srinivas.
The test didn't turn out to be a totally devastating blow to my already ravaged average from my previous test. There was a little sunshine today afterall...! I was really freaking out during the paper, and Srini has to ask me answers in the middle. I had already made it clear to him that I had not prepared for a single word, but alas, I wasn't in the state of mind to comprehend his hushed words neither was he... we happened to be sailing on the same boat... I really shouldn't have been on the computer the previous night...! As the self inflicted torment was drawing to a close an hour and a half later... the stage was all set for grand finale...! Very unexpected one at that...! The hall where I was seated contained all the folk who specialized in a combined knowledge database rather than an individualistic approach... So eventually something was bound to happen... What happened was this, two of my comrades had fallen, their answer scripts were confiscated and they were shown the exit in the most dignified fashion. Well we did lose this one battle, but we did with out our heads held high, cause overall we had won the war...
And after the final bell, it was over, yes the war was over, very funny I'm blowing it out of proportions this way because we have six such wars each year and have to put up with them for four years...! But heck I'm light headed right now..! I reached the lunch table... there was nothing great there in store for me, just the delight that internals were over. Lunch went and the evening came swiftly... Its winter and darkness engulfed my surroundings like a fog does to a lighthouse. I found myself on the drive way to the hostel building, there was very cold wind blowing across it... all of a sudden I felt very lonely, the atmosphere around me was tweaking my senses to feel really crazily. I should have gone to sleep right then... but did I..? Naaa... Its time to freak out, even if in a mild fashion, who wants to sleep now...??? So I marched to the internet center, updated myself thoroughly o saturation point about everything that I had missed in the past week because of war. And guess what, the new iPod shuffle totally rocks, and the intel quad core processors are white hot stuff....
Evening brought rain along with it for company as if to show that even it was celebrating... Man did it rain like crazy today..! I was watching the streets below from the fifth floor window...
It was very beautiful... Though the window presented to me a view comprising of a muck filled deserted road, badly illuminated, and totally getting drenched... I still felt that it was beautiful...
The rain was amazing to watch... The night's darkness made the droplets of water almost invisible, the neon lamps and the stray vehicle headlamps were trying their best to expose these tiny space invaders, but in vain... The only major proof of rain was the reflections on the road's surface and the ripples on the numerous puddles that I saw... It was splendid... The road that I was admiring is usually choked with traffic and a disgustingly noisy piece of existence... But then all that had changed because of a heavenly intervention called rain...
So many people invariably had to take a time out and seek refuge in nearby shops from the rain... I felt like nature was saying something to us... You people... busy all the time, relax, live life a little...take a break... That reminds me of a poem of a poem "No time to stand and stare" which I read very loong ago.... though there was the continuous pitter patter of the droplets, I felt like I was being engulfed by a deafening silence... strange... Was it for real or was it just that I was severly in need of some sleep,like I am now, I'm really not sure... But all I can say is, all the tension that the internals had built up inside me had been washed away in this one evening, by something so simple yet so magnificent as the rain... Dinner was destined to Kamat Hotel near by as the mess is off on Saturday evenings... Man I hate getting my feet wet on the roads...!
After dinner I found myself sneaking back into the internet lab, and I am still stuck to the seat, its been almost four hours now...! and I'm still not done...! Well I came here to catch up with some friends and well I did happen to do just that... Plus I successfully got working torrents for some movies and games that I've been wanting for a long time... And there I was chatting with my friend, I still feel a little guilty because she felt that I was trying to avoid the chat conversation...! Well actually I was hunting for those really rare torrents in the background so couldn't ensure undivided attention to the conversation.. neways I apologized, hope that it was accepted... and the final incident of the day was yet to unfold...
As we were chatting... she asked me to read a testimonial she had received from a very close friend of her's. They had last seen almost a decade ago...almost, but then happened to find each other on orkut, the sweetest internet invention..! The testi was really sweet indeed, almost everything that I had thought of was in it... but then that was not what struck me. It was the point of from who to whom that struck me... My day began with a really sweet dream, mind you I'm still not able to decipher it, I doubt I ever will... And almost at the end of the day, here I was staring at the monitor reading something, and really feeling good about it. All I remembered of the dream was that I had met someone after a very loong time... and then late in the night, I see a proof of friendship on orkut, between two friends who incidentally happened to meet on orkut after a seriously long gap... Was my mind playing tricks on me or is it that I just need to go to bed at this moment...right away... very interesting.
This was definitely not the topic that I had hoped for this post...but heck the inspiration to write doesn't come very often, so why not make good use of it while I can..? All the while I've been portraying a jubilious mood that the internals were over, well now that I am totally drained and shaken thoroughly back to reality... I think I should definitely say what my mind is saying now... In about a months time, the next war is going to begin, and this is going to be a big one, more like a do or die situation... I will have to survive at any cost... This whole past week has been very active for me, not necessarily positive... but yeah, I lived it... What's in store for me tomorrow I can never say, but today, whatever happened to me, you know by now....
I really shouldn't be sitting here right now and punching keys after key, getting more and more erroneous by the passing minute... All I need for now is a warm and cozy bed, a king's breakfast awaits me tomorrow morning... I'm hopeful to live the sweet dream again, even though by destiny, I might not be able to know what they are....
So there you go.... that's all for today folks.. that's me signing off... Adios.....

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