Tomorrow is Ugly
Every direction I look, its screaming at me. Its written all over the place, everything that we take for granted, those we consider most insignificant, will rule us one day, Im sure of it, yes very sure. Why are we all so collectively ignorant of these tremendously potential threats to our well being? Why? Is it because we are humans and are born with the blinding pride that we are? Well if it is, Im sorry to say that its very disappointing. Forget disappointment, its very worrisome, and ghastly to a certain extent. Tomorrow, its going to be wild.
There are so many of us on the face of this planet. We dominate every existence. Yes, we rule, in all aspects, and in the truest of sense. But hold on, while you may take pride in that aspect of our not so apparent miserable lives, Im ready to tread a different path, the path I must say, holds more truth, very little pride. Now you may be thinking that Im wasting your time, but patience my friend, Im getting to it. You see this is not so simple to explain, its very disturbing news that I intend to bestow upon you. So patience, read on.
There are so may of us, you might say yet again, but hold on. Dont you see the problem for yourself? You just mentioned it, yes, you did. You couldnt have put it in better words, yes my friend, there are so many of us, and that is the weakest link to our existence. You must be throwing up your hands right now vehemently contradicting my proposal. Its absolutely fair for you to do so, for you have not seen the vivid future that I have visualized. Its absolutely fair, for you to reject my statement, if you are disgustingly short sighted, no offence, but very fair. Its absolutely fair again if you live only for one person among the so many you referred to just a little while ago, that person being you. Very fair. Tomorrow, Im sure you would think of this day.
Now you contest my long prelude to this very strange issue. Im glad you do, for there are very few who would. Im glad you didnt turn out to be one of them, they, who just are not ready to accept, who pretend to be very optimistic even though the reality is flashing in their minds eye. Im glad my friend that you have decided to listen to me, Im very glad. Tomorrow, I hope will be different to what I predict, I can only hope.
How? You ask me how? The only way I can make you realize this is if you are patient and think. Think may friend, think. Tell me, what happens if there are a thousand ants in a matchbox instead of just one, what if there are twenty people inside a car instead of just two, I can go on and on with such comparisons. But I hope you get the point. There are so many of us, now Im sure you would think twice before labeling it fair.
So what if there are so many of us, you may ask me, still not convinced. Consider this, every single soul on this planet leaves its fingerprint. As of today there are more negative fingerprints left than positive ones, and the trend is alarmingly following the negative curve. The more number of individuals the larger the collective effect. Just take the air we breathe for example, put a hundred people in a small room and you will instantly realize how precious it is. The earth is supporting 6 billion souls of just the human kind. Its it fair my friend, for all the other species to be out performed so miserably? Is it fair? We received only one earth, but we are spreading fast like an infestation through it, like a drop of ink on a clear glass of water. Is it fair? Tomorrow my friend, is going to be very different to what today is be sure of that.
Just think about practical day to day activities. Compound every one of them with many years of time, including the hazardous human effects, then you will realize what I mean. When you go out to meet a busy road, everything might look normal to you, but reflect a little my friend, you will see the truth. not so many years ago, the very same road would have worn a desolate look. Many days down the line, I cant imagine the congestion. The air you breathe might be of the filthiest of quality, but alas, you are used to it. If it is so bad now, what about the future, would we all still be breathing air? More importantly, would we still be breathing? You walk into a market place, and see a thousand people, you might consider it normal on a busy day, but what is going to happen in the future? What would your reaction be when you step in to a market with an exponentially larger crowd? It is going to be very ugly. Is it fair?
We take fuel for granted, multiply one vehicle’s average fuel consumption with a billion or so others, and you have a horrific figure. Try this, using the exhaust fumes oh a medium sized vehicle, you can kill yourself. Scale it to a few billion others, its global suicide. To get an idea of how much you waste, just stockpile all the trash you discard for a month into a room, it will give you a very graphic sight, as well as brain numbing nasal stimulants! Multiply that with a few billion, I cant put the effects in words!All the cities known are bursting at their seams, what was once a farm land or pristine forest is now a melancholic concrete jungle. So much fresh air and wildlife is lost already, and more is disappearing fast. Drinking water is the most precious commodity today, whats the situation going to be life twenty years down the line? Real estate is already scorching hot these days, is it even viable tomorrow? Orphanages and old age homes are growing in number by the day. Whats the point of having such a big number of us when we are not capable of taking care of each other? Rather, today we are more intent about the downfall of our compatriots, there is so much greed, jealousy, competition, all have inevitably been introduced because of the root problem that I have been trying to emboss all this while. What is tomorrow going to hold for us? Its a scary thought, but none the less a necessary one, very necessary.
After all this you might say that all these all very obvious problems that todays society faces, these are problems that you and me have known for a long time, so dont worry so much. Woe befalls on he who does not worry on such a matter of grave concern. Such an international peril demands rigorous measures to be sketched and executed. Such measures have already come into force in many a places, but theres a catch, they are being rnforced only as a law. This is very bad, as people are not doing the right thing because they understand its importance, but rather because the punishments they would face if they dont do it are severe. Even though ultimately the goal is achieved one way or the other, its a question of validity of moral values. Implementing population control is no easy task. Even if it is being done in certain places, it includes a great deal of hurdles. Many may question the morality behind such activities in the name of controlling our growing numbers, our ethics may be fired upon. But to all such people, i ask just one thing, is it moral and ethical to continie this way? Is it really worth continuing living this way? Is this how we repay mother Earth? Ive heard alot of people say that we humans do not possess the right to take lives, the the right reserved in God, poor God, why should he get blamed for all the carnage that we are wreaking here on Earth? Dont you the how many lives we have already taken all these years? Why is it that only human lives are considered precious and important? These are all hard questions that need to be reflected upon by one and all. Only when voluntary action is taken by people, rather than damage control being forcibly imposed on them, nothing greatly positive is going to happen in this domain of our problems. We need to act now. Now my friend, tell me, what do you make of tomorrow? Do you just look up until a peacefull retirement life or do you dare to think beyond? I need to know, our future depends on it, the wolfpack depends on it. Tomorrow is very ugly my frind, no matter how many times i try to convince myself otherwise.
We are like vermin on this planet which we call home and we are treating it like a cadaver. We are rendering total disregard to our home. Lets not forget that there is only one home. Is it not our responsibility? What happens when the cadaver is stripped to its bones.? Inevitably the vermin also perish. Is it fair for the human race to perish like vermin? For all the grandeur attached to it, it deserves a much more dignified demise.
I remind you of something, There are so many of us. Im sure that you attach a different perspective to that statement by now. If not, it hurts me to know that you have turned out to be one among the infinite others, defiantly optimistic. Dont disappoint me. Tomorrow is very ugly indeed; it is all in our hands today, care to lend me a little effort?

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