internals were scheduled to start from monday..
i finally got myself near a book by saturday...
but then breaking news arrived... internals postponed... cause lecturers assigned election duty.
night 9.30... my roomy and me hit the idea to drive to chennai the next morning.
by 10.. all is set.!!!
sunday morning we left here by 6.30.. i drove all the way.. awesome drive..!! super road..
was there by 11..was HOT!!!!
plan was to leave monday after lunch...
we saw how bad the heat was.. so left monday morning itself... so in effect we stayed there for like some 19 hrs..
mum was all sad that we left early..
was here by 12 monday afternoon.,. slept..
best part was.. when i was almost near bangalore.. i got a message saying that classes are called off for the week.
cant relay that to home.. ill get pasted..!
before reaching hostel roomy and me stopped at cafe coffee day for some drink..
we were wearing shorts, bathroom slippers and crap tees.. basically looked like rag-pickers.
the place was filled with females..
we summoned up all the courage and put up a "i don give a damn "face and went inside...
forgot to mention the hair... v looked like aliens.. and i haven shaved in a long long time..
had a drink and scooted... when we entered the whole place turned and looked at us..!
was AWESOME..!!! hahahaha....
now on comp.. checking mails an chilling...
moral of the story.... that was the most expensive laundry i have done till date...!!! im so stupid..!
hey that was a really nice read. :)
very well planned day out...
luck ya!!1
@ idrish
lucky indeed...!
tht was a nice post! :D
@ milinta xavier
firstly.. thanks for dropping by!
And glad u liked my blog...i'll do my best to keep u connected with hostel life..!
and u don't even have to ask...
ive already linked u..!
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