It had been an emotional closing for the fest, and the momentum had not ceased inside of me. I was made to wonder, about everything that I am and everyone I can think of. There are so many people who have played a part in my life. I suddenly felt my life was like a picture of a tree, only that it is a collage of a million hand prints, each that have touched me, with care and purpose. I do marvel at the creator of our existence, such a perfect chaos! Staring into the night sky, pictures of all my loved ones came flashing by, some smiling, some crying, and some stretching out to choke me! The breeze, still soothing me, pushed my thoughts to newer bounds.
I was made to wonder what each person was doing at that moment... and pretty colorful images popped up! I marveled at the complexity of our existence. I saw one dressed up in proper corporate attire putting up a busy show, another presented me the picture of a successful artist, one of them was showing me the way through a forest, I got hellos from a couple of friends abroad, the list was endless. Each of our lives were so different, along so many different paths, yet something knits our lives together. My mind had to offer only a collage of the pictures of all my dearest pals. They were all smiling and well, and that made me happy.
I do hear a lot of people say about life's crossroads, but I had never experienced it until recently. The last night of the fest, during the curtain call was a moment of revelation for me. I had a few good moments of stimulus and reactive thought. The sights and sounds from all around me put me on a quest for answers. I was surrounded by many of my dearest pals, each in their own states of emotional equilibriums. The whole arena was a concoction of emotions. And though my face held up a broad smile, I cannot assure my mind was in agreement. There are very few moments in my life where I was made to ask myself "What now..?", and that evening was one of those moments.
It took me another full day to totally come to grasp what had flown by. And that night on the balcony made me feel like I was watching a movie of our parallel lives. I still had the sticky question ringing in my mind. The question of five years down the line popped up, and I was wondering where each of us would be. There was no dearth of imagination there. But just then, as if to wake my mind up, the breeze pressed against my back. I was made to realize that we can never be away from each other. We breathed the same air, and something made me believe that the breeze that had been keeping me company for the night was caused by the racing thoughts of all my friends. I could only wish for them to enjoy the breeze of my thoughts as well. "The Worlds Is A Small Place" took a whole new meaning for me!
I am living the fabric of my life, of which I form only a small insignificant strand. All my friends make me complete, with colors and and a close knit. And together, we form the sail on the boat to beyond, cradled by the ever faithful breeze toward the never ending sunset.
When you are with me, there shall be no tears, love you all.

beautifully written!
i could connect to it n say coz i had my farewell in col on apr 16th!
u got me dreaming again!!
Glad u liked it...
All the best for ur future... My day comes next year i guess..!
had a good time reading your post and the picture complements well too.
liked your blog and the template too
keep it up:)
@ inner world
Thanks for dropping by...!
one word sums it all up.. "BEAUTIFUL!!"
had me recounting back in time! Keep up the great work :)
hey..! glad u liked it...
Thanks for dropping by..!
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